
A Course in Miracles

My favorite lessons from A Course in Miracles are Lesson 153, In my defenselessness my safety lies and Lesson 135, If I defend myself I am attacked.

I have been part of a weekly study group of the Course since October 2003. I have read many books written about the Course. The commentaries written by Kenneth Wapnick have been helpful.

Lee Carroll, channeller of Kryon

I first heard of Lee Carroll and his books from a wonderful healer, Librada Manaligod, known as Dr. Libby. A friend had suggested that I find a practitioner of NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Treatment) to address my many allergies.

Dr. Libby suggested that I read the last book channeled by Lee Carroll. I bought book seven (she intended that I buy book six) and read about the healing modality, EMF Balancing Technique created by Peggy Phoenix Dubro. Libby and I learned about EMF Balancing together.

Aurelia Louise Jones, Telos information

A friend had asked that I put together a summary of the information from Aurelia Louise Jones’ book, The Seven Sacred Flames. I eventually put the information in my phone as daily reminders.

Keys of Enoch

I had been hearing about the Keys of Enoch for many years. When I discovered the book cost $100, I admit to being reluctant to purchase it.

Then I became part of a small group of healers where several of the members were familiar with the book. I finally broke through my resistance and read the book… and the subsequent Keys of Enoch and Metatron.